Monday, December 7, 2009

Fantasy TUF 10: The Live Finale

Here are the results from The Ultimate Fighter 10 Live Finale.

Marcus Jones v. Matt Mitrione -Round 1 - Low kick from Jones and he clinches up with Mitrione and drives him to the mat. Side control for Jones who is looking for an arm. Mitrione is able to get back to his feet though. Lunging punches from Jones. His stand-up technique is pretty awful. Marcus drops down with an arm in guillotine and can't finish it. Davis looks to lock up a triangle now but Mitrione escapes and they stand back up. Another takedown for Davis after an exchange. Matt stands up quickly though. They exchange shots, both men land and Jones looked a bit hurt but did get a takedown off of it. The round ends and it was 10-9 Jones on takedowns and positional control. Round 2 - Very quickly in the round Matt Mitrione lands a hard shot and Jones goes down. A few more punches and the fight is all over.
-(Team CJ's) Matt Matrione (Coach Rashad) def (Team Jon's) Marcus Jones (Coach Rampage) by KO in Round 2 for 9ts.

Frankie Edgar v. Matt Veach - Round 1 - Veach shoots and Edgar pulls him off with ease. Left hook by Veach lands and then another failed takedown attempt. Head kick by Edgar but Veach catches it and takes him down. Edgar stands up and Veach with a huge slam to put it back on the mat. Edgar stands up and Veach slams him again, but Edgar stands up again. Left hand lands for Veach. Body kick by Frankie lands hard. Two punch combo by Edgar and Veach looks to be tiring quickly. Left hook lands by Veach and that has been his money punch. Jab lands for Veach. Overhand right by Veach and then two more punches that land. Jab lands hard for Frankie now. Veach slips after a punch. Left hook by Edgar. The round ends and while close I'd give the edge to Veach. Round 2 - Edgar shoots and Veach just pushes him off. Veach now looking for a takedown. Edgar scores with a quick hand combo. Edgar is using speed and just outworking Veach this round. Right hand lands for Edgar and Veach's legs go wobbly. Edgar follows him to the ground and is landing a lot of shots but Veach keeps trying to move. Vinally Veach gives up his back and Edgar sinks in the choke for the finish.
-Frankie Edgar def
Matt Veach by submission (rear naked choke) in Round 2.

Kimbo Slice v. Houston Alexander - Round 1 - Houston's hands are high as he circles on the outside. Over one minute with nothing but circling. Leg kick by Alexander. Another inside leg kick lands. And again. A few more land and it's just circling and landing the leg kicks by Houston. Kimbo starts throwing and Houston clinches looking for the knees but no one lands anything. Houston uses head movement as Kimbo throws hands and it's Alexander landing the meaningful punches. Kimbo can't really get anything going as he eats a leg kick any time the distance closes. 10-9 round easy for Houston. Round 2 - Hard leg kick by Houston. And another. Kimbo with a wide punch that misses by a mile. Kimbo has no clue what to do and Alexander doesn't seem like he plans on changing anything. Jab lands for Kimbo. They clinch up and KImbo with a takedown into the mount. Houston stands up and eats a punch. Houston slips and Kimbo lands a few punches but Houston looked unaffected. Kimbo with a huge rear suplex and Houston stands up. Another takedown by Kimbo and he has mount. A few big shots from Kimbo and Houston gives up his back. Kimbo takes his back then back to the mount. Houston is able to escape back to standing and the round ends. 10-9 Kimbo that round to even the fight up. Round 3 - Leg kick by Houston early. They're trading punches with both guys landing. Jabs by both men. Right hand by Kimbo, two shots in return by Alexander. Punch lands for Houston. Leg kick lands for Houston and Kimbo missed a punch. Leg kick by Houston drops Kimbo and Houston lands a few punches. Takedown by Kimbo and he is in half guard. They're stood up with 1:10 left in the fight. Leg kick by Houston. Leg kicks are starting to hurt Kimbo now. Houston hurts Kimbo with and elbow toward the end of the round and lands another leg kick. 10-9 Houston on my card to give him a 29-28 win.
-(Team Tommy's) Kimbo Slice (Coach Rampage) def Houston Alexander by Unanimous Decision for 7pts.

Jon Jones v. Matt Hamill - Round 1- Front kick to the face misses for Jones. Leg kick for Hamill. Right hook lands for Jones as he tries to work from the outside and use his length. Leg kick by Hamill again. Hamill misses with a leg kick and eats a jab. Right hand by Jones. Leg kicks land for Jones and Hamill can't get the single leg. Great leg kick by Jones, knee to the body and a great trip takedown. Jones quickly to mount and he is just pouring on ground and pound from the mount. Big elbows cut open Hamill. 12-to-6 elbows are thrown by Jones and the ref takes a point from Jones. Hamill is bleeding badly and he doesn't want to fight any more. The fight is over.
-Matt Hamill def
Jon Jones by disqualification.

Brendan Schaub v. Roy Nelson - Round 1 - Schaub popping crisp jabs early. Brendan avoids a takedown and unloads a flurry of punches but Nelson is able to get a clinch and a takedown. Nelson looking to secure an arm but can't do anything with it. Pass to side control now. Schaub is able to power back to his feet without taking any damage. Right hand lands for Schaub and now a combination. Nelson fires back a big right hand. Schaub with a hard jab again. Nelson with a right and and Schaub with a few in return. Left hook lands for Schaub. Right hand by Nelson and Schaub is out cold! Roy Nelson is the season 10 winner of The Ultimate Fighter.
-(Team Jon's) Roy Nelson (Coach Rashad) def (Team Tammy's) Brendan Schaub (Coach Rashad) by KO in Round 1 for 20pts.

-(Team Roxanne's) James McSweeney (Coach Rashad) def (Team CJ's) Darrill Schoonover (Coach Rashad) by KO in Round 3 for 8pts.
-(Team Jen's) John Madsen (Coach Rashad) def (Team Adam's) Justin Wren (Coach Rashad) by Split Decisionfor 7pts.

-Team CJ, Team Roxanne, Team Roy, and Team Adam each earn 5pts for having Rashad as their coach.
-Team Jen, Team Jon, Team Tammy, and Team Tommy each earn 1pt for having Rampage as their coach.

The Final scores for Fantasy TUF 10:
62 - Team Jon
48 - Team CJ
47- Team Roxanne
32 - Team Tammy
32 - Team Adam
22 - Team Roy
17 - Team Jen
10 - Team Tommy

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